Number 1, 2019

Special Theme of the Issue

“Life after Death”: A Cross-Cultural Aspect of the Postmortal

(guest editor I.A. Morozov)

Death and Posthumous Existence in Social Strategies: Why People Create Rules for Communicating with the Dead

[Smert’ i posmertnoe sushchestvovaniie v sotsial’nykh strategiiakh: zachem liudi sozdaiut pravila obshcheniia s mertvymi]

pp. 5-10

“The Rules of Death”: Concepts of “Improper Dead Man” and “Improper Burial” in the Toolkit of Social and Political Technologies

[“Pravila smerti”: kontsepty “nepravil’nyi mertvets” i “nepravil’noe pogrebenie” v instrumentarii sotsial’nykh i politicheskikh tekhnologii]

pp. 11-26

The Spirit Left; Yet the Spirit Stayed: On the Present State of Chinese’s Traditional Notions of the Dead

[Dukh ushel; dukh ostalsia: o sovremennom sostoianii traditsionnykh predstavlenii kitaitsev ob umershem cheloveke]

pp. 27-41

Commemoration Ceremonies among the Datoga in the Context of the Unified Social Space of the Living and the Dead: An Ethological Analysis

[Pominal’nye tseremonii u datoga v kontekste edinogo sotsial’nogo prostranstva zhivykh i mertvykh: etologicheskii analiz]

pp. 42-64

“Private Territory”: Burial Ground in the Field of Social Interaction

[“Chastnaia territoriia”: mesto zakhoroneniia v pole sotsial’nykh vzaimodeistvii]

pp. 65-78

Identity Studies

Tatars of Modern Tashkent: Ethnic Identity in the Context of Social Transformations

[Tatary sovremennogo Tashkenta: etnicheskaia identichnost’ v kontekste sotsial’nykh transformatsii]

pp. 79-96

Myanmar: How to Escape from the Identity Trap

[M’ianma: kak vybrat’sia iz lovushki identichnostei]

pp. 97-116

Archaeological Sources in Ethnology

On the Uyghur Component in the Formation of the Kimäk Tribal Union

[Ob uigurskom komponente v slozhenii Kimakskogo plemennogo soiuza]

pp. 117-133

The Comparison of the Archaeological and Ethnographic Sources Used in Studying the Old Russian Costume in Works by Russian Archaeologists

[Sopostavlenie arkheologicheskikh i etnograficheskikh istochnikov v izuchenii drevnerusskogo kostiuma v trudakh otechestvennykh arkheologov]

pp. 134-148

Research Articles

The Construction of Migrants’ Images in the Russian Media

[Obrazy trudovykh migrantov v rossiiskikh massmedia]

pp. 149-165

Kyrgyz National Felt Products: Modern Transformations

[Kyrgyzskiie natsional’nye voilochnye izdeliia: sovremennye transformatsii]

pp. 166-180


Review of Sex, Love, and Migration: Postsocialism, Modernity, and Intimacy from Istanbul to the Arctic, by A. Bloch

pp. 181-183

Review of An Arctic Indigenous Knowledge System of Landscape, Climate, and Human Interactions: Evenki Reindeer Herders and Hunters, by A. Lavrillier and S. Gabyshev

pp. 184-188