Number 2, 2019

Special Theme of the Issue

Not Just about Meals: Food in the Context of Anthropological Research

(guest editor O.D. Fais-Leutskaia)

On the Current State of Anthropology of Food and Nutrition

[K voprosu o sovremennom sostoianii antropologii pitaniia]

pp. 5-16

Pig-Farming and Meat Delis in Corsica: From Household Production and Consumption to the Symbol of Local Identity

[Svinovodstvo i miasnye delikatesy na Korsike: ot domashnego proizvodstva i potrebleniia k simvolu mestnoi identichnosti]

pp. 17-31

“Tea Is Calling to People”: Tea Communities, Street Meals, and Local Policies in West Africa

[“Chai zovet liudei”: chainye gruppy, gorodskie trapezy i nizovaia politika v Zapadnoi Afrike]

pp. 32-42

Food as a Power Resource among the Amguema Chukchi: Studying V.G. Kuznetsova’s Field Diaries

[Pishcha kak vlastnyi resurs u amguemskikh olenevodov: po dnevnikam V.G. Kuznetsovoi]

pp. 43-60

Vulgar Language in the Realm of Sicilian Traditional Cuisine

[Skabreznosti v sfere sitsiliiskoi traditsionnoi kukhni]

pp.  61-77

Urban Anthropology

An Economy of Miracle: Rotating Credit and Savings Associations in Townships of Johannesburg

[Ekonomika chuda: rotatsionnye kreditno-sberegatel’nye assotsiatsii v taunshipakh Iokhannesburga]

pp. 78-97

Ethnic vs Social Boundaries: Children of Migrants in Schools

[Etnicheskie vs sotsial’nye granitsy: deti migrantov v shkolakh]

pp. 98-113

History of the Discipline

What Do We Mean When We Talk about Race? Methodological Reflections on the Theory and Practice of Race in Imperial Russia

[Chto my imeem v vidu, govoria o rase? Metodologicheskie razmyshleniia o teorii i praktike rasy v Rossiiskoi imperii]

pp. 114-132

The Earlier Pages of Raymond Firth’s Intellectual Biography

[Rannie stranitsy intellektual’noi biografii Reimonda Fiorsa]

pp. 133-149

Uuno Taavi Sirelius and His “Ethnographic Faith”

[Uuno Taavi Sirelius i ego “etnograficheskaia vera”]

pp. 150-166

Research Articles

The Yukuna of the Miritiparana River: Aspects of Cultural Transbordering

[Yukuna reki Miritiparany: aspekty kul’turnogo pogranich’ia]

pp. 167-184

Cooperation between Anthropologists and the US Armed Forces in the 20th – Early 21st Centuries

[Vzaimodeistviie antropologov i Vooruzhennykh sil SShA v XX – nachale XXI v.]

pp. 185-200


Review of Les productions alimentaires en Corse, 1769-1852, by P. Pesteil

pp. 201-204