Number 2, 2018

Special Theme of the Issue

Anthropology of Football : Toward the World Cup in Russia

(guest editor A.V. Buganov)

Football in Our Life

[Futbol v nashei zhizni]

pp. 5-10

Modern Football (Soccer), Local Identity and Global World

[Sovremennyi futbol, mestnaia identichnost’ i global’nyi mir]

pp. 11-24

Football: The Identities of England and Northern England

[Futbol: identichnosti Anglii i eio Severa]

pp. 25-43

The Construction of Political Representations around the Football Team of Russia

[Konstruirovanie politicheskikh predstavlenii vokrug futbol’noi sbornoi Rossii]

pp. 44-57

Ethnography of Islam

The Muslim Cult of Saints among the Tatar of the Volga-Ural Region: Specificities of Formation and Transformation

[Musul’manskii kul’t sviatykh u tatar Volgo-ural’skogo regiona: osobennosti formirovaniia i transformatsii]

pp. 58-75

Present-Day Kyrgyzstan: Re-Islamization or Renascence of the National Culture?

[Sovremennyi Kyrgyzstan: povtornaia islamizatsiia ili vozrozhdenie natsional’noi kul’tury?]

pp. 76-88

Sheikh Batal-Hadji Belkharoev and His Wird in Memoirs of the English Traveler and Journalist J.F. Baddeley

[Sheikh Batal-Khadzhi Belkharoev i ego vird v vospominaniiakh angliiskogo puteshestvennika i zhurnalista J.F. Baddeley]

pp. 89-99

History of the Discipline

The Renaissance of Ethnography from the Spirit of Atheism? Research on “Contemporary Sectarianism” in the Context of N.S. Khrushchev’s Anti-Religious Campaigns

[Rozhdeniie etnografii iz dukha ateizma? Issledovaniia “sovremennogo sektantstva” v kontekste antireligioznykh kampanii N.S. Khrushcheva]

pp. 100-121

D.A. Klementz and the Production of Knowledge about Peoples in the Russian Empire

[D.A. Klementz i proizvodstvo znaniia o narodakh v Rossiiskoi Imperii]

pp. 122-136

“One Day, He Did Not Come to His Museum”: The Ethnographer A.B. Piotrovsky

[“Odnazhdy on v svoi musei ne prishiol”: etnograf A.B. Piotrovskii]

pp. 137-153

Research Articles

Anthropology of Thing: Traditional Textiles in the Context of Ritual Practices in the Late 19th — Early 21st Centuries

[Antropologiia veshchi: Traditsionnyi tekstil’ v kontekste ritual’nykh praktik kontsa XIX — nachala XXI vv.]

pp. 154-171

Reproduction of Practices outside the Tradition (the Case of Rural Timing Practices Based on the Sun Observation)

[Vosproizvodstvo praktik za predelami traditsii (na primere sel’skikh praktik orientatsii vo vremeni po solntsu)]

pp. 172-186


Review of Living on Thin Ice: The Gwich’in Natives of Alaska, by S.C. Dinero

pp. 187-189

Review of OOO “Pereseleniie narodov”: kratkoe posobiie dlia ponimaniia sovremennogo migratsionnogo krizisa [Europe All Inclusive: A Brief Guide to Understanding the Current Migration Crisis], by V. Klaus and J. Weigl.

pp. 189-192