Home    Number 2, 2018

Reproduction of Practices outside the Tradition (the Case of Rural Timing Practices Based on the Sun Observation)

[Vosproizvodstvo praktik za predelami traditsii (na primere sel’skikh praktik orientatsii vo vremeni po solntsu)]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7868/S0869541518020124

Type of publication: Research Article

Submitted: 07.02.2017

Accepted: 27.04.2017

About author(s)

Stanislav S. Petriashin | http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4410-7224 | s-petryashin@yandex.ru | The Russian museum of Ethnography (4/1 Inzhenernaya Street, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia)


tradition, materiality, affordance theory, sun, time


The paper raises the question of intergenerational reproduction of practices outside the tradition’s mechanism (transmission of experience from human to human), taking the case of rural timing practices based on the observation of the sun. The study draws principally on the fieldwork data collected in the Middle Ural region in 2015–16. The role of things in tradition’s mechanism was studied to argue about the non-traditionality of timing practices grounded in the observation of light and shadows in the space of the house and courtyard. I employ the affordance theory (J. Gibson, H. Heft, and others) to conceptualize the non-traditional ways of using things. Within the framework of this theory, I propose a two-tier analytical model describing the conditions of existence and perception of affordances which make possible the “invention” of above-mentioned practices by different people independently of each other (outside the tradition).


Petriashin, S.S. 2018. Reproduction of Practices outside the Tradition (the Case of Rural Timing Practices Based on the Sun Observation) [Vosproizvodstvo praktik za predelami traditsii (na primere sel’skikh praktik orientatsii vo vremeni po solntsu)]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 172-186. https://doi.org/110.7868/S0869541518020124

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