Number 6, 2020

Special Theme of the Issue

New Rurality in Present-Day Russia: Institutions, Practices, and Social Interaction

(guest editor – E.A. Melnikova)

The Village in Urban Projections of Modern Russians

[Derevnia v gorodskikh proektsiiakh sovremennykh rossiian]

pp. 5–11

Modern Museums of the Russian Village: Production of Rurality by Ex-Urban Residents

[Sovremennyi muzei russkoi derevni: proizvodstvo sel’skosti byvshimi gorozhanami]

pp. 12–30

Paradise Lost: Nostalgia and Commemoration in the Songs about the Native Village

[Poteriannyi rai: nostal’giia i kommemoratsiia v pesniakh o rodnoi derevne]

pp. 31–51

Models of Rural Life in Russian Ecovillages

[Modeli sel’skoi zhizni v rossiiskikh ekoposeleniiakh]

pp. 52–69

House-in-the-Village for Escape and Survival: Utopia of Rural Autonomy in the Popular Futurology of Disasters

[Domik-v-Derevne dlia begstva i vyzhivaniia: utopiia sel’skoi avtonomii v popul’arnoi futurologii katastrof]

pp. 70–87

The Biographies of Urban-Rural Move and the Rhetoric of Self-Transformation in Present-Day Russia

[Biografii pereezda iz goroda v derevniu i ritorika samotransformatsii v sovremennoi Rossii]

pp. 88–105


Multi-Sited Ethnography Yesterday and Today: A Conversation with George Marcus

[Polilokal’naia etnografiia vchera i segodnia: razgovor s Dzhordzhem Markusom]

pp. 106–126

Visual Anthropology

The “Marxist Ethno-Film” of Vladimir Bogoraz

[“Marksistskaia etno-fil’ma” Vladimira Bogoraza]

pp. 127–144

Research Articles

On the Genealogy of Preparedness for Daily Threats in Russia in the 1990s

[O genealogii gotovnosti k ugrozam povsednevnoi zhizni v Rossii 1990-kh godov]

pp. 145–163

The Museum of Death as an Institution of Memory: The Museumified Past and Modern Memorial Practices

[Muzei smerti kak institut pamyati: muzeefitsirovannoe proshloe i sovremennye memorial’nye praktiki]

pp. 163–179

From Ethnographic to Agricultural Tourism: Asian Village in the Eyes of Europeans

[Ot etnograficheskogo turizma k agrarnomu: aziatskaia derevnia glazami evropeitsev]

pp. 180–193

Book Reviews

Review of Vavle Neniang (Vauli Piettomin): istoriko-etnograficheskie ocherki [Vavle Naniang (Vauli Piettomin): Historical and Ethnographic Essays], by G.P. Khariuchi

pp. 194–198

Review of Crisis and Coloniality at Europe’s Margins: Creating Exotic Iceland, by K. Loftsdóttir

pp. 198–202

In memoriam

Galina Aleksandrovna Komarova (24.08.1948 – 12.07.2020)

pp. 203–210