Number 1, 2002


Society – ethnos – ethnicity – nation – nationalism

pp. 3-30

Ethno-linguistic typologies: problems of taxonomy and terminology

pp. 30-40

Ethnos and culture

The Bear cult and the Bear festivity in the worldview and culture of Siberian peoples

pp. 4-21

Sacred places of Fergana as an object of scientific research

pp. 63-79

Chum in the culture of the peoples of West Siberia and the questions of its origins

pp. 79-93

Horsemanship as a traditional social institution of the Adigei people

pp. 93-108

Fraternity relations among the Karachai people

pp. 108-125

Ethnos, society, State

State, authority and law in the traditions of Judaism

pp. 126-138

From the history of science

S.M. Shirokogorov’s influence on German ethnology

pp. 139-143

S.M. Shirokogorov. Obituary (supplemented with letters, photo and bibliography)

pp. 144-155

Scholarly life

7th Congress of the International Society of Ethnology and Folklore of Europe

pp. 156-161

Seminar «Post-socialism in the Russian North»

pp. 162

Reviews and surveys

Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклай. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. М., 1990-1999 (N.N. Мiklоuhо-Масlау. Collection of works in six volumes. Moscow, 1990-1999)

pp. 163-168

Р.А. Агеева. Какого мы роду-племени? Народы России: имена и судьбы. Словарь-справочник. М., 2000 (R.A. Agеуеva. Which tribe or clan do we belong to? Peoples of Russia: names and destinies. Reference-dictionary. Moscow, 2000)

pp. 168-172

Р.К. Уразманова. Быт нефтяников-татар юго-востока Татарстана. 1950-1960 гг. Этносоциологическое исследование. Альметьевск, 2000 (R.K. Urazmanova. Daily life of Tatar oilers in the south-east of Tatarstan. 1950’s – 1960’s. An ethno-sociological study. Almetyevsk, 2000)

pp. 173-174

История предпринимательства в России. Книга первая. От средневековья до середины XIX века. М., 2000.; Книга вторая. Вторая половина XIX-начало XX века. М., 2000 (History of business undertakings in Russia. Book 1. From the Middle Ages to the mid- I9th century. Moscow, 2000. 480 p. Book 2. Second half of the I9th – early 20th century. Moscow. 2000. 574 p.)

pp. 175-176

А.Г. Булатова. Лакцы. Историко-этнографическое исследование (XIX-начало XX в.). Махачкала, 2000 (A.G. Bulatova. Laki. A historico-ethnographical study (19th – early 20th century). Makhachkala, 2000)

pp. 176-179

Our jubilees

List of major works of S.I. Vainshtein

pp. 180-187

List of major works of L.V. Khomich

pp. 188-190