Number 1, 2018

Special Theme of the Issue

Anthropology of Disability in Russia

(guest editor E.E. Nosenko-Stein)

Anthropology of Disability: Problems and Goals

[Antropologiia invalidnosti: problemy i zadachi]

pp. 5-11

Feigned and True Disability in the Russian Fairy Tale in the Context of Folklore Tradition

[Mnimaia i real’naia invalidnost’ v russkoi volshebnoi skazke v kontekste fol’klornoi traditsii]

pp. 12-27

The Anthropology of Disability in the Culture of Maternity and Childhood (the Case of the Arkhangelsk North)

[Antropologiia invalidnosti v kul’ture materinstva i detstva (po materialam Arkhangel’skogo Severa)]

pp. 28-35

“I Want to Marry a Healthy Man”: Marriage Strategies among Disabled Women in Today’s Russia

[“Khochu zamuzh za zdorovogo”: brachnye predpochteniia zhenshchin s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostiami zdorov’ia v sovremennoi Rossii]

pp. 36-46

Russian Socio-Medical Expertise as a Rite of Passage

[Rossiiskaia mediko-sotsial’naia ekspertiza kak obriad perekhoda]

pp. 47-58

Visual Imperatives of Culture and Bodily-Technological Media of Visually Impaired People

[Vizual’nye imperativy kul’tury i telesno-tekhnologicheskie media liudei s narusheniiami zreniia]

pp. 59-72


The Use of the Terms “Subsistence”, “Everyday Culture”, and “Culture of Everyday Life” as Applied to Studying Societies of the Historical Past

[Ispol’zovanie poniatii “zhizneobespechenie”, “bytovaia kul’tura” i “kul’tura povsednevnosti” primenitel’no k izucheniiu obshchestv istoricheskogo proshlogo]

pp. 73-103


The Anthropology of Everyday Life and the Ethnographic Study of Everyday Culture

[Antropologiia povsednevnoi zhizni i etnograficheskoe izuchenie bytovoi kul’tury]

pp. 83-86

Bioarchaeologist’s View of the Applicability of Some Ethnographic Terms in Archaeology

[Vzgliad bioarkheologa na primenimost’ nekotorykh etnograficheskikh terminov v arkheologii]

pp. 87-89

Problems of, and Prospects for, the Use of the Subsistence Concept and Its Derivatives in Ethnology and Archaeology

[Problemy i perspektivy ispol’zovaniia poniatiia “zhizneobespechenie” i ego proizvodnykh v etnologii i arkheologii]

pp. 90-92

Subsistence, Everyday Life, and Everyday Culture in the Space of “Archaeological Reality”: A Response to Commenters

[Zhizneobespecheniie, byt i povsednevnost’ v prostranstve “arkheologicheskoi real’nosti”: otvet opponentam]

pp. 93-103

Ethnic Classification and Demography

Georgia’s Ethnic Landscape According to the 2014 Census

[Etnicheskaia kartina Gruzii po rezul’tatam perepisi 2014 g.]

pp. 104-120

The Terms of Ethnological Study of Western Mongolians: Historical Versions and Contemporary Opportunities

[Kategorii etnologicheskogo izucheniia zapadnykh mongolov: istoricheskie varianty i sovremennye vozmozhnosti]

pp. 121-133

The Birth of European Population in Algeria: Migrations and Marriage Behavior in the Colonial Context of the 19th Century

[Rozhdenie evropeiskogo naseleniia v Alzhire: migratsii i brachnoe povedenie v kolonial’nom kontekste XIX v.]

pp. 134-145

Research Articles

“Ideal Breakdowns”: The Infrastructure of Funeral Market and the Production of Social Order

[“Ideal’nye polomki”: infrastruktura rynka ritual’nykh uslug i proizvodstvo sotsial’nogo poriadka]

pp. 146-160

The Nanai in Priamurie’s Industrial Region: The Pattern of Accommodating the Space and the Search for Identity

[Nanaitsy v promyshlennom raione Priamur’ia: model’ osvoeniia prostranstva i poisk identichnosti]

pp. 161-177


Review of Paganism, Traditionalism, Nationalism: Narratives of Russian Rodnoverie, by K. Aitamurto

pp. 178-181

Review of What Kinship Is – and Is Not, by M. Sahlins

pp. 182-184