Number 3, 2022

Special Theme of the Issue

Being in Shape: The Culture of Aphrodisiacs in Europe

(guest editors A.A. Novik and O.D. Fais-Leutskaia)

Aphrodisiacs: An Anthropology of Love Magic

[Afrodiziaki: antropologiia liubovnoi magii]

pp. 5-8

To Be Unbending Like a Tree: Aphrodisiacs among the Albanians of the Western Balkans

[Byt’ nesgibaemym, kak derevo: afrodiziaki u albantsev Zapadnykh Balkan]

pp. 9-31

Aphrodisiac Plants in the Traditional Culture of Modern Greece

[Rasteniiaafrodiziaki v novogrecheskoi traditsionnoi kul’ture]

pp. 32–50

Time-Tested: Aphrodisiacs and Love Culture in Southern Italy

[Proverennye vremenem: afrodiziaki i liubovnye praktiki Yuga Italii]

pp. 51–70


How Ethnographic Is Ethnographic Interview?

[Etnografichno li etnograficheskoe interv’iu?]

pp. 71–87


Thoughts about Ethnographic Interview: Comments

[Razmyshleniia ob etnograficheskom interv’iu: kommentarii]

pp. 88–123

Western Travelers in Central Asia

The “Applied Orientalism” of French Travelogues on Central Asia

[“Prikladnoi orientalizm” frankoiazychnykh travelogov o Tsentral’noi Azii]

pp. 124–141

European Universal Travelers in Western Mongolia in the Second Half of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Century: Historical and Cultural Notes

[Evropeiskie puteshestvenniki-universaly v Zapadnoi Mongolii vo vtoroi polovine XIX – nachale XX v.: istoriko-kul’turnye zametki]

pp. 142–158

An American’s Adventure in Central Asia: Eugene Schuyler on the Kyrgyz

[Prikliuchenie amerikantsa v Tsentral’noi Azii: Yudzhin Skailer o kyrgyzakh]

pp. 159–175

Memory Studies

Transformation of the New Year’s Holiday in the USSR: Reconstruction Based on Modern Memories of Soviet Childhood

[Transformatsiia novogodnego prazdnika v SSSR: rekonstruktsiia po sovremennym vospominaniiam o sovetskom detstve]

pp. 176–196

Collective Trauma and the Memory of the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: 35 Years after the Disaster

[Kollektivnaia travma i pamiat’ ob avarii na Chernobyl’skoi AES: k 35-letiiu radiatsionnoi katastrofy]

pp. 197–218

The Religious Situation in the New Cities of the USSR in the Mid-1950s – Mid-1960s in the Memory of Todays’ Women

[Religioznaia situatsiia v novykh gorodakh SSSR serediny 1950 – serediny 1960-kh godov v sovremennoi zhenskoi pamiati]

pp. 219–236

Book Reviews and Critiques

A Contribution to the Preservation of Folklore Legacy of the Bachat Teleut

[Vklad v sokhranenie fol’klornogo naslediia bachatskikh teleutov]: A Review of Teleutskii fol’klor [Teleut Folklore], edited by D.A. Funk and A.V. Dybo

pp. 237–242