Number 4, 2021

Reconstructions in Historical Linguistics

Lexical Reconstruction for the Reconstruction of Prehistory

Lexical Reconstruction for the Reconstruction of Prehistory: Proto-Afrasian Terms Related to Weaponry, Warfare and Other Armed Conflicts

[Leksicheskaia rekonstruktsiia dlia rekonstruktsii predystorii: praafraziiskie terminy dlia oruzhiia, voiny i drugikh vooruzhennykh konfliktov]

pp. 5–23

Asia or Africa? Localizing the Afroasiatic Homeland

[Aziia ili Afrika? O lokalizatsii afraziiskoi prarodiny]

pp. 24–41

The Difficulties of Reconstructing the Cultural Lexicon for a Macrofamily-Level Proto-Language (Based on the Afrasian Example)

[Problemy rekonstruktsii kul’turnoi leksiki praiazyka makrosem’i (na primere afraziiskogo)]

pp. 42–49

The Reconstruction of the Vocabulary of Material Culture and the Time Depth of a Language Family (Military Terminology in the Proto-Indo-European Language and Its Subclades)

[Rekonstruktsiia leksiki material’noi kul’tury i istoricheskaia glubina sem’i yazykov (voennaia leksika v praindoevropeiskom yazyke i dochernikh gruppakh)]

pp. 50–62

From the Search for an Original Afrasian Homeland to the Problems of Semantic Reconstruction: A Response to Commenters

[Ot poiska prarodiny do problem semanticheskoi rekonstruktsii: otvet opponentam]

pp. 63–78

On the Origin of Ethnonym Rus’

On the Origin of Ethnonym Rus’ and of the Rurikid Lineage: A Look at the Slavo-FinnoScandinavian Frontier of the 9th–11th Centuries AD from the Point of View of Kinship Studies

[O proiskhozhdenii etnonima rus’ i roda Riurikovichei: vzgliad na slaviano-finno-skandinavskoe kul’turnoe pogranich’e IX–XI vv. s pozitsii antropologii rodstva]

pp. 79–98

*Rodiči – *Ruotsi – Rusʼ: Critical Notes to the New Etymology of an Old Ethnonym

[*Rodiči – Ruotsi – Rus’: kriticheskie zametki k novoi etimologii starogo etnonima]

pp. 99–105

Once Again on the Origins of the Ethnonym-Socionym Rus

[Rus’ kak rod: kriticheskii analiz gipotezy G.V. Dzibelia]

pp. 106–110

Rus’ as “Rod”: A Critical Analysis of G.V. Dzibel’s Hypothesis

[Rus’ kak rod: kriticheskii analiz gipotezy G.V. Dzibelia]

pp. 111–117

On the Origins of the Genetic Lineage of the Rurikids as an Issue not Related to the “Normanist Problem”

[Proiskhozhdenie geneticheskoi linii Riurikovichei: nezavisimost’ ot “normanskoi problemy”]

pp. 118–130

From Etymological Nuances to the Integration of Scientific Disciplines: A Reply

[Ot etimologicheskikh niuansov k integratsii nauchnykh distsiplin: otvet opponentam]

pp. 131–137

Research Articles

Memory on Demand: The Jewish Past in Today’s Hlybokaye

[Pamiat’ do vostrebovaniia: evreiskoe proshloe v sovremennom Glubokom]

pp. 138–155

Workers in Soviet Museum Ethnography in the 1950s: Class Analysis and Politics of Time

[Rabochie v sovetskoi muzeinoi etnografii 1950-kh godov: klassovyi analiz i politika vremeni]

pp. 156–174

The Formation of Ukrainian Literary Canon on the Donbass War: Emotional Matrices of Non-Combatants

[Formirovanie ukrainskogo literaturnogo kanona o voine v Donbasse: emotsional’nye matritsy nonkombatantov]

pp. 175–190

World of the Early Twentieth-Century Reindeer Breeding Orochons of Transbaikal in the Dimension of Culture

[Veshchnyi mir olennykh orochonov Zabaikal’ia nachala XX v. v prostranstve kul’tury]

pp. 191–208

Reviews and Critiques

Language in the Sphere of Public Policy: Searches and Doubts [Yazyk v sfere publichnoi politiki: poiski i somneniia]: A Review of Smert’ yazyka – smert’ naroda? Yazykovye situatsii i yazykovye prava v Rossii i sopredel’nykh gosudarstvakh [When a Language Dies, Does Its People Die with It? The State of Languages and Language Rights in Russia and Neighboring States], edited by E.I. Filippova and S.V. Sokolovskiy

pp. 209–213

Rumor: Is It Harmless Folklore or?.. [Slukh: bezobidnyi fol’klor ili?..]: A Review of Dangerous Soviet Things: Urban Legends and Fears in the USSR [Opasnye sovetskie veshchi: gorodskie legendy i strakhi v SSSR], by A. Arkhipova and A. Kirziuk

pp. 214–218


pp. 218