Number 5, 2021

Special Theme of the Issue

Plants in the Culture of Peoples of Eurasia: From Magic to Resource

(guest editor – O.D.Fais-Leutskaia and A.A. Novik)

Plants in Culture: A Paradigm of Anthropology

[Rasteniia v culture: paradigmа antropologii]

pp. 5–16

Ethnobotanical Knowledge of an Eskimo Family: Naukan Yupiks

[Etnobotanicheskoe znanie odnoi eskimosskoi sem’i: naukanskie yupiki]

pp. 17–32

The Fig Tree in Alimentary Culture, Folk Medicine and Traditions among the Peoples of the Western Balkans

[Inzhir v alimentarnoi kul’ture, narodnoi meditsine i traditsiiakh u narodov Zapadnykh Balkan]

pp. 33–52

Plants in the Folk Culture of Southern Italy: Traditions in the Past and the Present

[Rasteniia v narodnoi culture Yuzhnoi Italii: traditsii v proshlom i nastoiashchem]

pp. 53–69

Plant Hunting: “Evenki Medicines” in Northern Baikal

[Okhota za rasteniiami: “evenkiiskie lekarstva” na Severnom Baikale]

pp. 70–83


Local Knowledge and “Other Anthropologies”

[Lokal’noe znanie i “drugie antropologii”]

pp. 84–112


Chukchi Drawings of the Ethnographic Relativity, Or How Vladimir Germanovich Might Comment on Dmitry Aleksandrovich’s Article

[Chukotskie risunki etnograficheskogo reliativizma, ili kak Vladimir Germanovich mog by prokommentirovat’ stat’iu Dmitriia Aleksandrovicha]

pp. 84–112

Laying Bridges between the Worlds

[Prokladyvaia mosty mezhdu mirami]

pp. 84–112

Response to Commenters

[Otvet opponentam]

pp. 105–112

Identity Studies

Ethnic Identity in Abkhazia and the Paradigms of Its Institutionalization: From the Soviet Past to the Present

[Etnicheskaia identichnost’ v Abkhazii i paradigmy ee institutsionalizatsii: ot sovetskogo proshlogo k nastoiashchemu]

pp. 113–129

The “Shaman Warrior” Aleksandr Gabyshev: Identity at the Intersection of Two Cultures

[“Shaman-voin” Aleksandr Gabyshev: identichnost’ na styke dvukh kul’tur]

pp. 130–146

Christianization of the Tatars Living in the Area of the Vyatka and Great Perm Diocese in the 18th Century

[Khristianizatsiia tatar, prozhivavshikh na territorii Viatskoi i Velikopermskoi eparkhii v XVIII v.]

pp. 147–160

Reviews and Critiques

Neo-Conservatism in Military Anthropology [“Neokonservatizm” v prikladnoi voennoi antropologii]: A Review of Military Anthropology: Soldiers, Scholars and Subjects at the Margins of Empire, by M. McFate

pp. 161–163

From the Paradigm of Harm to That of Benefit [Ot paradigmy vreda k paradigme pol’zy]: A Review of An Anthropology of Anthropology: Is It Time to Shift Paradigms? by R. Borofsky

pp. 164–167

The Dynamism and Interdisciplinarity of the Conceptual System of the North [Dinamizm i mezhdistsiplinarnost’ kontseptual’noi sistemy Severa]: A Review of Géocultures: méthodologies russes sur l’Arctique [Geocultures: Russian Methodologies for the Arctic], by D. Zamyatin, E. Romanova, O. Dobjanskaya, and O. Lavrenova; ed. by D. Chartier

pp. 168–172

In memoriam

Sokolova Zoia Petrovna (21.12.1930 – 14.11.2020)

pp. 173–179