Number 1, 1981

Towards the 26th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

pp. 3-9

The main types of historic-cultural communities and the trends in their development

pp. 10-23

Ethnography and topical problems in the development of ethnographical museums

pp. 24-37

To the problem of syncretism in the religious system of Burmese Buddhism

pp. 38-50


Once more on religion as a social phenomenon (a rep ly to critics)

pp. 51-65

Editorial comment

pp. 65-67


On the influence of the generation-wise composition of families over the transfer of ethnocultural traditions (on material from Lialshur village, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)

pp. 68-77

Forms of family among peoples of the Northern Caucasus in the 19th — early 20th centuries

pp. 78-83

The anthropological aspect in studying the pigment of the pheomelanin of the hair

pp. 84-97

To the etymology of the terms «yuyren», «yyr», «yyri»

pp. 98-102

Tutelage in the Bosporus

pp. 103-110

Traditional institutions and forms of socialization of children and teenagers among the Ogoni (Southern Nigeria)

pp. 111-119

Searchings, facts, hypotheses

«The face of the wolf is gracious…» (the stage-by-stage changes in the wolf image in the Turko-Mongol epos)

pp. 120-133

Chronicle of academic life

The ethnocultural role of the city in the period of the rise of nations

pp. 134-137

«The Theatre and Popular Traditions* — an international symposium

pp. 137-140

Problems of ethnography and anthropology at the 9th scientific session of the Historical Faculty of the Leningrad State University

pp. 140-142

Maclay Readings

pp. 142-143

On our expeditions in brief

pp. 144-145

Our anniversary heroes

List of principal works of Academician Yulian Vladimirovitch Bromley

pp. 146-149

Criticism and bibliography

Critical articles and reviews

Anthropology and ethnography and the future (notes on the Houston Conference of American Anthropologists)

pp. 150-154

Topical problems in the study of Shamanism

pp. 154-161

General ethnography

I. S. Cohn. The discovery of «I»

pp. 162-164

Н. Sebald. Witchcraft: the Heritage of a Heresy

pp. 164-168

Soviet peoples

Processes in culture and domestic life in the South of Ukraine

pp. 169-170

F. G. Safronov. Russians in north-east Asia in the 17th — mid 19th centuries

pp. 171-173

A comparative index of subjects. The Eastern Slav fairy tale

pp. 173-175

Peoples of Asia outside the USSR

M. V. Kriukov, V. V. Mal’avin, M. V. Sofronov. The Chinese ethnos on the threshold of the middle ages

pp. 176-179


E. V. Pomerantseva (1899—1980)

pp. 180-185

Wolfgang König

pp. 186-187