Number 1, 1997

Theory and Methodology

Euroasian idea and Russian nationalism (in connection with the article by V.A. Shntrelman “The Idea of Euroasianism and Theory of culture”)

pp. 3-13

60 years of the Khorezm expedition

S.P. Tolstov as ethnographer, archaeologist and orientalist

pp. 14-23

Environments in the Aral region during the ancient times and middle ages

pp. 23-41

Early middle ages Khorezm

pp. 41-58

Boss (a chapter from a book of memoirs)

pp. 58-70

Ethnographic researches and ethnographers of the Khorezm expedition

pp. 70-85

Ethnos and Culture

National-cultural renaissanse in Buryatiya: a look outside the village

pp. 86-99

Throughout ancient and modern history of firewalking

pp. 100-115

Firewalking, waterwalking, and wandering through other worlds

pp. 116-120

Ethnos, Society, State

Gagauzes of Bessarabia. Settling patterns and number in XIX

pp. 121-128

Germans’ colonies in Russian Empire – “states within a state”

pp. 129-144

Political leaders speak about the nationalities question

Interviews with V.Yu. Zorin

pp. 145-149

Interviews with V.I. Nikitin

pp. 149-153

History of the Science

Towards a fairy-tale

pp. 154-157

Towards the 150th Anniversary of the Birth of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay

“The second life” of N.N. Miklouho-Maclay: myths and legends about the Russian scientist in Papua New Guinea

pp. 158-169

Activities Dedicated to the Scholar’s Memory

pp. 169-178


В.Е. Владыкин. Религиозно-мифологическая картина мира удмуртов. Ижевск. 1994

pp. 179-181

Three monographs about the ethnocultural processes in Russia

pp. 182-186

Н.Н. Миклухо-Маклай. Собр. соч. в шести томах. Т. 5. М., 1997

pp. 186-189


Major works of Yu.I. Semenov

pp. 190-191