Number 3, 1999

To the Bicentenary of A.S. Pushkin

«Three tear droplets on a bunch of rays…» (an attempt at reconstructing one of Pushkin’s notions of the «old dear times»)

pp. 5-15

Unfinished debate over the character of A.S. Pushkin’s Ruslan

pp. 15-21

Ethnographic motives in A.S. Pushkin’s poetry

pp. 21-34

Ethnos and Culture

Russian bathhouse and the traditional northern way of life

pp. 35-51

Some traits of the Khorezm Uzbeks family in the middle of 20th century

pp. 51-66

Physical Anthropology

Neanderthals: What does modem science know of them?

pp. 67-83

From History of Science

Rise and fall of a theory – German ethnology at the turn of the century. Kulturkreislehre. School of culture history. F. Graebner. V. Schmidt

pp. 84-96

G.S. Bildzukevich and his «Picturesque Album»

pp. 97-104

Lev Kubbel: an historian, an ethnologist, a student of source materials and human being

pp. 105-124

Memory of I.S. Vdovin

pp. 124-129

Political Leaders on National Policy

Interview with V.A. Pechenev, Deputy Minister for national policy of the Russian Federation

pp. 130-132

Interview with N.I. Ryzhkov, leader of the «Narodovlastiye» group of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

pp. 133-139

Scientific Life

Exposition «Albanian collections of St. Petersburg» at the Russian Ethnographic Museum

pp. 140-146

Conference «Etnocuitural heritage of the Vyatka-Kama area: problems, research, solutions»

pp. 145-146


В.В. Напольских. Введение в историческую уралистику. Ижевск, 1997

pp. 147-149

А.С. Мыльников. Народы Центральной Европы: формирование национального самосознания. XVIII-XIX вв. СПб., 1997

pp. 150-153

Л.Ш. Арсланов. Татары Нижнего Поволжья и Ставрополья (Язык. Фольклор. Словарь). Набережные Челны, 1995

pp. 153-155

Our Jubilees

List of the major works of F.T.-A. Valeyev

pp. 156-158