Number 6, 2001


Elaboration of the problems of history of primitive society at the Institute of Ethnography of the USSR Academy of Sciences in “the era of Yu.V. Bromley” (recollections and thoughts)

pp. 3-20

Ethnos and culture

From the history of beliefs, ceremonies and rites: fire in the wedding rites complex of the Khorezm Uzbeks (as based on the materials of the mid-20th century)

pp. 21-32

Old Believers of the Lower Pechora river

pp. 33-47

Fishing among the aboriginal population of the Tara-Irtysh basin (as based on the data on the Tara Tatar settlements)

pp. 48-66

Parental favouritism and formation of specific behavior patterns of children depending of their birth order: bio-social aspects

pp. 67-81

Ethnos, Society and the State

Russians in America – integration or assimilation?

pp. 82-104

Realization and results of the culture-linguistic and educational policy in Kazakhstan in the I990’s

pp. 104-122

Scholarly life

Scientific session in memory of Academician Yu.V. Bromley

pp. 123-124

Surveys and reviews

История Русской Америки 1732-1867. Т. I-III. М., 1997-1999 (History of Russian America 1732— 1867.Vol. I—III. Moscow, 1997-1999)

pp. 125-130

Чечня и Россия: общества и государства. Вып. 3. М., 1999 (Chechen Republic and Russia: societies and the States. Issue 3. Moscow, 1999)

pp. 130-142

А.Г. Булатова. Сельскохозяйственные и календарные обычаи и обряды народов Дагестана. СПб., 1999 (A.G. Bulatоva. Agricultural and calendar customs and rites of the peoples of Daghestan. St.-Petersburg, 1999)

pp. 142-144

Our jubilees

Main publications by V.A. Tishkov

pp. 145-147


K.Sh. Shaniyazov

pp. 148-152

Index of the articles and materials carried in the journal’s issues of 2001

pp. 153-157