Number 4, 2001

To the eightieth anniversary of Yu. V. Bromley

Academician Yulian Vladimirovich Bromley: a scholar and a person

pp. 3-9

Gratefulness to the teacher (in memory of Yu.V. Bromley)

pp. 10-14

Academician Yu.V. Bromley is remembered in Oceania

pp. 15-19

To the 75th anniversary of the Journal

Fourteen years with the «Soviet Ethnography» (from memories of the Journal’s Deputy Editor-in-Chief, 1966-1980)

pp. 20-26

Diamond anniversary of the journal of Russia’s ethnographers (some points of history). Part I. (1926-1930)

pp. 27-37

Ethnos and culture

Anthroponymy of the 17th century’s Upper Dvina river area as a source for studies in the history of the peopling of the territory

pp. 38-47

Folk notions of the Russians about the vivifying properties of plants

pp. 48-62

Descendants of saints in modem Central Asia

pp. 62-83

Christian heritage in the history and culture of the southern Avar people (Andalal society)

pp. 83-89

Notions of the geographical location and origins of the population of America in the scholarly medium of the Spanish colonial empire of the early half of the 17th century

pp. 90-102

From the unpublished

On the history of ethnographic research in Central Asia in the 1930’s – 1960’s. Graduate students of the Turkistan institute of Oriental Studies

pp. 103-110

From the experience of my ethnographic field studies in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the 1960’s – 1980’s

pp. 110-114

Brief ethnographic data on the population of the right bank zone of Amudarya from Termez to Kelif (early 20th century)

pp. 114-118

Moral principles of peasant labour and life and forced migrations (based on the ethnographic data of Southern Uzbekistan, 1940-1980)

pp. 118-119

Scholarly life

Symposium «States under Transformation and the Challenge of Ethnic Conflicts: Russian and international Experience»

pp. 120-123

International scientific symposium «Orthodox Church and Culture of the Ethnos»

pp. 123-126

Report on the work of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology in 2000

pp. 126-142


Л.В. Кальмина, Л.В. Курас. Еврейская община в Западном Забайкалье (60-е годы XIX – февраль 1917 г.). Улан-Удэ, 1999 (L.V. Каl’mina, L.V. Кuгas. Jewish community in the Western Trans-Baikal area (1860’s – February 1917). Ulan-Ude, 1999)

pp. 143-145

Э.С. Маркарян. Науки о культуре и императивы эпохи. К обоснованию ключевой роли знаний о способе социокультурного типа самоорганизации жизни в условиях современного планетарного кризиса: Программный доклад для культурологических чтений. М., 2001 (E.S. Markaryan. Sciences on the culture and imperatives of the epoch. Substantiation of the key value of knowledge of the method of the socio-cultural-type self-organization of life in the conditions of the modern planetary crisis. Program report for culturological lecturing. Moscow, 2000)

pp. 145-147

Orient. Альманах. Вып. 2-3. Исследователи Центральной Азии в судьбах России. СПб., 1998 (Orient. Anthology. Issues 2-3. Students of Central Asia in the destinies of Russia. St.Petersburg, 1998)

pp. 147-149

А.Е. Загребин. Финны об удмуртах: финские исследователи этнографии удмуртов XIX – первой половины XX в. Ижевск, 1999 (А.Е. Zagrеbin. Finns about Udmurts: Finnish researchers of the ethnography of Udmurts of the 19th- early half of the 20 century. Izhevsk, 1999)

pp. 149-152

Л.И. Никонова. “От Адама и Евы – до наших дней (очерки народной медицины мордвы)”. Саранск, 2000 (L.N. Nikonova. From Adam and Eve – to our day (essays on folk medicine of the Mordvinians)». Saransk, 2000)

pp. 152-155

W. Kashuba. Einführung in die Europäische Ethnologie. München, 1999

pp. 155-158

Г.Н. Волков. Этнопедагогика. М., 1999 (G.N. Vоlkоv. Ethnic pedagogy. 1999)

pp. 158-162

Историко-этнографическое описание народов Камчатки в трудах Г.В. Стеллера. “Краеведческие записки”. Вып. 11 (Спец. вып.). Петропавловск-Камчатский, 1999 (Historical- ethnographic description of the peoples of Kamchatka in the works of G.V. Steller. «Krayevedcheskie zapiski». Issue 11. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii, 1999)

pp. 162-164

Our jubilees

List of major works of M.S. Butinova

pp. 165-168

List of major works of N.A. Tomilov

pp. 168-173