Number 2, 2002


On the phenomenon of «post-ethnicity»: a modern view of some ideas of Yu.V. Bromley

pp. 3-9

Ethnos and culture

Sorcerer ordination: historico-ethnographical principles of Russian mythological stories about the transmission and assimilation of esoteric pieces of knowledge

pp. 10-23

Children’s socialization in the society of the Nahuas of the late pre-colonial period (second half of the 15th – early 16th centuries)

pp. 23-36

Festivity dynamics: structure, hyper-structure and anti-structure

pp. 37-47

The stigmata of archaization: towards an analysis of a celebration and a text

pp. 47-57

Male unions in the Feghana Valley of the 20th century: organization principles and transformation processes

pp. 58-68

Mountain spirits worship among the Okinskii district Buryats

pp. 69-77

On the freedom of pre-marital sex relations among the Buryats and Mongols at the turn of the 19th—20th centuries (an analysis of literary sources)

pp. 77-85

Ethnos, Society and the State

Ethno-political aspects of the formation of the Tuva People’s Republic (1921-1924) (1921-1944)

pp. 86-99

Dual citizenship in the post-Soviet territory: European standards in an Asiatic interpretation

pp. 99-117

To the memory of scholars

To the memory of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Butinov

pp. 118-124

To the memory of Leonid Pavlovich Potapov

pp. 125-131

Scholarly life

The first working seminar of young European anthropology-students of Siberia

pp. 132-133

Conference «Culture anthropology – politics – development»

pp. 133-136

Reviews and surveys

Народы Поволжья и Приуралья. Коми-зыряне. Коми-пермяки. Марийцы. Мордва. Удмурты. М., 2000. (Peoples of the Volga-river and Urals areas: Zyrianka-Komi. Perm-Komi. Mari people. Mordvinians. Udmurts. Moscow, 2000)

pp. 137-138

C.B. Суслова, Р.Г. Мухамедовa. Народный костюм татар Поволжья и Урала (середина XIX – начало XX в.). Историко-этнографический атлас татарского народа. Казань, 2000 (S.V. Suslova, R.G. Mukhamedova. Folk Tatar costumes of the Volga-river and Urals areas (mid-19th – early 20th centuries). Historico-ethnographical atlas of the Tatar people. Kazan, 2000

pp. 138-140

P.M. Валеев. Казанское востоковедение: истоки и развитие (XIX – 20-е годы XX в.). Казань, 1998 (R.M. Vаlеуеv. Kazan oriental studies: sources and development (19th century – the 1920s). Kazan, 1998)

pp. 140-144

H.A. Бутинов. Народы Папуа-Новой Гвинеи (От племенного строя к независимому государству). СПб., 2000 (N.A. Butinov. Peoples of Papua New Guinea (From the tribal order to an independent state). St.-Petersburg, 2000)

pp. 144-149

В.П. Буданова. Варварский мир эпохи Великого переселения народов. М., 2000 (V.P. Budanova. The barbarian world of the era of the Great Transmigration of Peoples. Moscow, 2000)

pp. 149-151

Our celebrations

List of the major works by S.A. Arutyunov

pp. 152-155

List of the major works by Yu.V. Ivanova

pp. 155-158