Number 3, 2018

Special Theme of the Issue

Toward an Anthropology of Ethnic Stereotypes : Blood Libel Legends

(guest editor S. N. Amosova)



pp. 5-7

Blood in Jewish-Christian Relationships in the Smolensk Region in the 18th – Early 20th Centuries

[Krov’ v iudeo-khristianskikh otnosheniiakh na Smolenshchine v XVIII – nachale XX vv.]

pp. 8-20

Isofunctionality of the Ethnic-Cultural Stereotype (the Case of Folk Tales about “Blood Libel”)

[Izofunktsional’nost’ etnokul’turnogo stereotipa (na primere narodnykh rasskazov o “krovavom navete”)]

pp. 21-37

Legends about Blood, Medical Libel: Old and New Motifs of the Blood Libel in Latgale

[Legendy o krovi, meditsinskie navety: starye i novye siuzhety krovavogo naveta v Latgalii]

pp. 38-52

From the History of US-Russian Academic Collaboration

“Last Expedition” (From the History of US-Russian Collaboration in the Study of Indigenous Peoples)

[“Posledniaia ekspeditsiia” (iz istorii russko-amerikanskogo sotrudnichestva v izuchenii korennykh malochislennykh narodov)]

pp. 53-69

Yulia Averkieva and Franz Boas: Mutual Affection and Ideological Disagreements

[Yuliia Averkieva i Frants Boas: vzaimnaia simpatiia i ideologicheskie raznoglasiia]

pp. 70-79

History of the Discipline

Anthropology and the Policy of Indigenism in Mexico in the 20th Century: Dialogues and Confrontations

[Antropologiia i indikhenistskaia politika v Meksike ХХ v.: dialogi i konfrontatsii]

pp. 80-97

Ethnography of Old Believers

Ethnic and the Religious in the Old Believers Question in the Mid–Late 19th Century

[Etnicheskoe i konfessional’noe v staroobriadcheskom voprose serediny – vtoroi poloviny XIX v.]

pp. 98-113

Staroobriadcheskaia ikona Nizhnei Pechory: opyt kompleksnogo izucheniia

[The Old-Believer Icon of Lower Pechora: A Complex Study]

pp. 114-132

Birth Rites among the Old Believers of the North-West Black Sea Region: Current Vernacular Beliefs

[Rodil’naia obriadnost’ staroobriadtsev Severo-Zapadnogo Prichernomor’ia: aktual’nye vernakuliarnye predstavleniia]

pp. 133-150

Research Articles

“Well, That’s the Postal Service!”: How Organizations Produce Stories and Stories Shape Organizing

[“Nu eto zhe pochta!”: kak proiskhodiat istorii v organizatsiiakh, a organizatsii v istoriiakh]

pp. 151-167

“I Want to Kneel before the One Who Had Invented Pelmeni”: Issues of the Origin and Semantics of the Culinary Dish

[“Gotov upas’t ia na koleni pred tem, kto vydumal pel’meni”: voprosy proiskhozhdeniia i semantiki kulinarnogo bliuda]

pp. 168-183

The Bear and Dog in Heathen Sanctuary Remains in the Mouth of the Agnevo River (Central Sakhalin)

[Medved’ i sobaka v ostatkakh sviatilishcha v ust’e reki Agnevo (tsentral’nyi Sakhalin)]

pp. 184-200