Number 2, 2016

Special Theme of the Issue

The Economy of Mobile Livestock Keepers in Post-Communist Countries

(guest editor A.M. Khazanov)

Ot sostavitelia

[From the Editor]

pp.  5-7

Protsessy transformatsii skotovodcheskogo khoziaistva v Tuve i Zabaikalie na rubezhe XX-XXI vv.

[The Transformations of Pastoral Economy in Tuva and Zabaikalie Region at the Turn of the 20th-21st Centuries]

pp.  8-27

Sovremennoe olenevodstvo v Rossii: sostoianiie, mobil’nost’, prava sobstvennosti, paternalism gosudarstva

[Modern Reindeer Husbandry in Russia: Status, Mobility, Property Rights, State Paternalism]

pp. 28-43

Sovremennoe sostoianiie olenevodstva na Chukotke

[The Current State of Reindeer Breeding in Chukotka]

pp. 44-56

Sovremennoe skotovodstvo v Kyrgyzstane

[The Present-Day Cattle Husbandry in Kyrgyzstan]

pp. 57-74

Ekonomicheskie peremeny v mongol’skom skotovodstve v period transformatsii

[Economic Changes in Mongolian Livestock Keeping during the Transformation Period]

pp. 75-82

Visual Anthropology

“Lesnye liudi” – fenomen sovetskogo etnografi cheskogo kino

[“Forest People” – The Phenomenon of the Soviet Ethnographic Cinema]

pp. 83-98

Research Articles

Bulling i bullery v sovremennoi rossiiskoi shkole

[Bullying and Bullies in Today’s Russian School]

pp. 99-115

Voennaia meditsina narodov Severnogo Kavkaza v pervoi polovine XIX v.

[Wartime Medicine among the North Caucasus Peoples in the First Half of the 19th Century

pp. 116-129

Predstavleniia o dniakh nedeli u vostochnykh slavian

[Notions of Week Days among Eastern Slavs]

pp. 130-147

Zhilishchnaia praktika lipovan i nekrasovtsev: konfessional’nyi i regional’nyi srez traditsii

[Housing Practices of Lipovans and Nekrasovites: Religious and Regional Aspects of the Tradition]

pp. 148-168

Auditoriia nanaiskogo shamanskogo kamlaniia

[The Audience of the Nanai Shamanic Kamlanye Ritual]

pp. 169-182


Review of Border Work: Spatial Lives of the State in Rural Central Asia, by M. Reeves. Ithaca, 2014

pp. 183-185

Review of D’une anthropologie du chamanisme vers une anthropologie du croire. Hommage à l’oeuvre de Roberte Hamayon. Paris, 2013

pp. 186-188

Review of Narrating the Future in Siberia: Childhood, Adolescence and Autobiography among the Eveny, by O. Ulturgasheva. New York, 2012

pp. 189-191