Home    Number 2, 2016

Sovremennoe skotovodstvo v Kyrgyzstane

[The Present-Day Cattle Husbandry in Kyrgyzstan]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Amantur Žaparov | amantourj@gmail.com | Institute of History and Cultural Heritage, National Academy of Science, Kyrgyz Republic


mobile cattle herders, seasonal pastures, adaptation to market, barter, privatization, resellers


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many changes ensued in Kyrgyzstan, as in other former republics of the USSR. They affected various sectors, including the agricultural one where economic activities had been previously concentrated within the framework of kolkhoz and sovkhoz organizations. During the 1990s, the state altered its policies toward the rural area and introduced measures that allowed for the privatization of land, livestock, and other property. Private property became a lawful institution. The article discusses the ways in which livestock industry has been transformed in Kyrgyzstan in the historical and social context of the post-Soviet era.


Žaparov, A.Z. 2016. Sovremennoe skotovodstvo v Kyrgyzstane [The Present-Day Cattle Husbandry in Kyrgyzstan]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 57-74

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