Number 5, 2016

Theoretical Issues

Ot etnosa k etnichnosti i posle

[From Ethnos to Ethnicity and After]

pp. 5-22

Special Theme of the Issue

Thing Theories, Material Culture, and New Materiality

(guest editor S.V. Sokolovskiy)

Ot redaktora

[From the Editor]

pp. 23-24

O chem molchat veshchi

[What Things Conceal]

pp. 25-39

Transportnye mediatsii: formy mashinnogo i materialy chelovecheskogo

[Transport Mediations: Machine Forms and Human Materials]

pp. 40-52

Dvizhenie i veshch’: opyty chteniia avtomobilia v potoke

[Movement and Thing: Attempts at Reading an Automobile in Traffic]

pp. 53-66

Upushchennoe v AST: identichnost’ kazakhskikh repatriantov s pozitsii “priviazannosti” i “stoikosti”

[What Was Missing in the Actor-Network Theory: The Identity of Kazakh Repatriates Analyzed Through the Concepts of Attachment and Endurance]

pp. 67-79

Mediatizatsiia mobil’nykh kommunikatsii (aktorno-setevoi podkhod)

[The Mediatization of Mobile Communications (An Actor-Network Approach)]

pp. 80-89

“Most” Maksa Glakmena: soediniaia antropologicheskie traditsii

[“The Bridge” of Max Gluckman: Connecting Anthropological Traditions]

pp. 90-102

Material’naia semiotika i etnografiia material’noi kul’tury

[Material Semiotics and the Ethnography of Material Culture]

pp. 103-115


Biudzhet vremeni rossiiskogo pravoslavnogo krest’ianstva vo vtoroi polovine XIX – nachale XX v.

[The Time Budget of Russian Orthodox Christian Peasants in the Second Half of the 19th – Early 20th Centuries]

pp. 116-127

“Prazdnaia” zhizn’ rossiiskogo krest’ianstva kak otrazheniie minimalistskoi modeli khoziaistvovaniia

[The “Leisure” Life of Russian Peasants as the Reflection of the Minimalist Economic Model]

pp. 128-134

Replika na stat’iu B. N. Mironova o “biudzhete vremeni” u rossiiskogo krest’ianstva

[A Comment on B. N. Mironov’s Article about the “Time Budget” of Russian Peasants]

pp. 135-127

Otvet opponentam

[Reply to Commenters]

pp. 138-149

Research Articles

O politicheskom konstruirovanii sovetskikh natsional’nostei i narodnostei Dagestana (po materialam arkhivnykh issledovanii)

[On the Political Construction of Soviet Nationalities and Peoples of Dagestan (Drawn on Archival Research)]

pp. 150-166

Otnoshenie k zhenskomu obrezaniiu v dagestanskom obshchestve: “Ob etom ne krichat!”

[The Attitude Toward Female Circumcision in the Dagestan Society: “This Is Not Something One Speaks about Loudly!”]

pp. 167-174

Etnicheskaia karta Yuzhnogo Urala v 1920 g.

[The Ethnic Map of Southern Ural in 1920]

pp. 175-185


Review of Nanai Shamanic Culture in Indigenous Discourse, by T. Bulgakova. Norderstedt, 2013

pp. 186-188

Review of Institut biev: podkhody i interpretatsii v rossiiskoi i kazakhstanskoi istoriografii [The Institution of Bii: Approaches and Interpretations in the Russian and Kazakh Historiography], by Zh. S. Mazhitova. Moscow, 2015

pp. 189-191