Number 5, 2015

Special Theme of the Issue

Religioznye normy i praktiki v Uralo-Povolzhie [Religious Norms and Practices in Ural-Povolzhie]

(guest editors E.S. Danilko, Y.A. Yagafova)

Religioznye praktiki etnokonfessional’nykh grupp chuvashei

[Religious Practices among the Chuvash Ethnic-Religious Groups]

pp. 3-18

“Staraia vera” po-chuvashski: knizhnaia traditsiia i povsednevnye praktiki odnoi staroobriadcheskoi obshchiny

[“Old Faith” the Chuvash Way: Literary Tradition and Everyday Practices of an Old-Believer Community]

pp. 19-32

“Povtornoe izobretenie” i transformatsiia lokal’noi religioznoi traditsii: erzianskii neoyazycheskii ritual

[The “Reinvention” and Transformation of a Local Religious Tradition: The Case of an Erzya Neopagan Ritual]

pp. 33-50

Yazychniki v sovetskom i postsovetskom vremeni (na primere chuvashei s. Staroe Surkino Respubliki Tatarstan)

[Pagans in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Time (The Case of the Chuvash of the Staroe Surkino Village, Republic of Tatarstan)]

pp. 51-62

Etnokul’turnaia samoidentifi katsiia posledovatelei neortodoksal’nykh khristianskikh verouchenii (na primere mordovskikh religioznykh obshchin)

[Ethnic-Cultural Identification of the Followers of Unorthodox Christian Teachings (The Case of Mordovian Religious Communities)]

pp. 63-72

Urban Anthropology

Strit-art i dvorovoie blagoustroistvo kak formy osvoeniia gorodskogo prostranstva (na primere sovremennoi Permi)

[Street Art and Neighborhood Improvement as Forms of Adjustment to the Urban Space (The Case of Contemporary Perm)]

pp. 73-82

Politekonomiia bednosti: afrikanerskie “ubezhishcha” v sovremennoi YuAR v fokuse gorodskikh issledovanii

[Political Economy of Poverty: Afrikaans “Shelters” in Contemporary South Africa within the Focus of Urban Studies]

pp. 83-99

Druzhba i rodstvo v kvartalakh Tbilisi: imperativy i praktiki

[Friendship and Kinship in Tbilisi Neighborhoods: Imperatives and Practices]

pp. 100-116

Deti i roditeli-migranty v Sankt-Peterburge: nesoglasovannye linii povedeniia

[Children and Their Migrant Parents in St. Petersburg: Divergent Lines of Behavior]

pp. 117-134

“Problemnye okrainy” i ikh obitateli: parizhskiie predmest’ia mezhdu “buntom okrain” i “Charlie hebdo”

[“Problematic Banlieues” and Their Residents: Parisian Outskirts between “Suburban Riots” and “Charlie Hebdo”]

pp. 135-148

Research Articles

Identichnost’ etnicheskikh men’shinstv v nauchnoi mysli Latvii v 1991-2014 gg.

[The Identities of Ethnic Minorities in Latvian Academic Scholarship in 1991-2014]

pp. 149-166

Domashnie rody v rossiiskikh dvorianskikh sem’iakh (konets XIX – nachalo XX v.)

[Home Childbirth in Russian Noble Families (Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries)]

pp. 167-183


Review of Kul’tura i prostranstvo: istoriko-kul’turnye brendy i obrazy territorii, regionov i mest [Culture and Space: Historical-Cultural Brands and Images of Territories, Regions, and Places], ed. by V.K. Malkova and V.A. Tishkov. Rostov-na-Donu, 2012

pp. 184-187

Review of Pipeline Dreams: People, Environment, and the Arctic Energy Frontier, by M. Nuttall. Copenhagen, 2010

pp. 188-190