Home    Number 5, 2015

“Problemnye okrainy” i ikh obitateli: parizhskiie predmest’ia mezhdu “buntom okrain” i “Charlie hebdo”

[“Problematic Banlieues” and Their Residents: Parisian Outskirts between “Suburban Riots” and “Charlie Hebdo”]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Ekaterina Demintseva | katia-d@yandex.ru | National Research University Higher School of Economics


france, migration, migrant families, social policy, youth, social neighborhoods, banlieue


Within the past three decades, the issue of “social neighborhoods”, or banlieues, in France went hand in hand with problems of youth from migrant families. During the 1980s, France began speaking about the generation of youth that came from migrant families and became the new dwellers of social neighborhoods in the suburbs which had been built since the early 1960s for the poor. In the following years, the state made attempts to address the most critical issues of the suburbs, such as unemployment, crime, and violence, but they did not yield the desired result. The article discusses France’s policies toward the banlieues and examines the social situation in those areas during the last decade.


Demintseva, E.B. 2015. “Problemnye okrainy” i ikh obitateli: parizhskiie predmest’ia mezhdu “buntom okrain” i “Charlie hebdo” [“Problematic Banlieues” and Their Residents: Parisian Outskirts between “Suburban Riots” and “Charlie Hebdo”]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 135-148

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