Number 6, 2023

Special Theme of the Issue

Voyages of Living Things: Distributed Memory, Evocative Objects, and Affective Micro-Niches

(guest editor S.V. Sokolovskiy)

The Materiality of the Ecology of Memory and Affect

[Material’nost’ ekologii pamiati i affekta]

pp. 5-11

Photo Albums: Deconstructing Narratives of the Self, Migration, and Movable Memories

[Fotoal’bomy: dekonstruiruia narrativy o sebe, migratsii i mobil’noi pamiati]

pp. 12-25

Objects on the Memory Borders: Between Tilsit and Sovetsk

[Veshchi na granitse territorii pamiati: mezhdu Til’zitom i Sovetskom]

pp. 26-43

Homes as Memory Boxes: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding Attachment to Possessions

[Doma kak vmestilishcha pamiati: kognitivnyi analiz priviazannosti k imushchestvu]

pp. 44-60

Evocation of the Self: Self-Defining Mental Photographs

[Evokatsiia Ya: samoopredeliaiushchie mental’nye fotografii]

pp. 61-76

Other Worlds in the Museum: Exhibits as Evocative Objects

[Drugie miry v muzee: eksponaty kak evokativnye ob’ekty]

pp. 77-91


Vernacular Museum: Toward the Definition of the Concept

[Vernakuliarnyi muzei: k opredeleniiu poniatiia]

pp. 92-110

Critical Reflections on the “Vernacular Museum”

[Polemicheskie rassuzhdeniia o “vernakuliarnom

pp. 111-138

Constructing Identity

Language Ideologies and the Construction of Karelian Identity

[Yazykovye ideologii i konstruirovanie karel’skoi etnichnosti]

pp. 139-155

Documentary Constructivism as a Special Form of Constructivist Folk Sociology: Evidence from Dagestan

[Dokumentarnyi konstruktivizm kak osobaia forma konstruktivistskoi narodnoi sotsiologii: svidetel’stva iz Dagestana]

pp. 156-177

The “Proconsul of African Nationalism”: Nyerere and Tanzania

[“Prokonsul afrikanskogo natsionalizma”: N’erere i Tanzaniia]

pp. 178-191

Research Articles

Chewing Gum in the Life World of Soviet Children in the 1960s–80s (Reconstruction Based on Modern Memories)

[Zhevatel’naia rezinka v zhiznennom mire sovetskikh detei 1960–1980 godov (rekonstruktsiia po sovremennym vospominaniiam)]

pp. 192-210

Sumerian Poem about Lugalbanda and Parallels for One of Its Episodes

[Shumerskaia poema o Lugal’namde i paralleli k odnomu
iz ego epizodov]

pp. 211-227

Book Reviews and Critiques

Being and the Time of Old-Believers [Bytie i vremia staroobriadchestva]: A Review of V Agaf’inoi taige: kollektivnaia monografiia [In Agafi a’s Taiga], edited by G.S. Shirokalova

pp. 228-232

Representation as a Concept, Problem, and Method [Reprezentatsiia kak poniatie, problema i metod]: A Review of Antropologiia reprezentatsii: pamiat’, obshchestvennye prostranstva i vizual’nost’ [Anthropology of Representation: Memory, Social Spaces, and Visuality], edited by A.A. Plekhanov and N.A. Belova.

pp. 233-237

What It Meant to Be a “Public Woman” in the Russian Empire [Chto znachilo byt’ “publichnoi zhenshchinoi” v Rossiiskoi imperii]: A Review of Zhizn’ po “zheltomu” biletu [Life on the Yellow Ticket], by I.V. Sinova

pp. 238-242