Home    Number 6, 2013

Review of Dal'nevostochnye evenki: etnokul'turnye i etnosotsial'nye protsessy v XXveke (The Far East Evenki: Ethnic-Cultural and Ethnic-Social Processes in the 20 th Century), by V.A. Turaev. Vladivostok, 2008

Type of publication: Book Review

About author(s)

A.A. Sirina | annas@iea.ras.ru


Sirina, A.A. 2013. Review of Dal’nevostochnye evenki: etnokul’turnye i etnosotsial’nye protsessy v XXveke (The Far East Evenki: Ethnic-Cultural and Ethnic-Social Processes in the 20th Century), by V.A. Turaev. Vladivostok, 2008. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 175-177

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