Home    Number 1, 2011

A History of Ethnological and Social Anthropological Study of Food and Nutrition: A Brief Survey

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Marina V. Ursegova | marinamgu@mail.ru | Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow University for Industry and Finance "Synergy"


food, nutrition, tradition, food habits, anthropology of food


The topic of the history of ethnological and social anthropological study of food appears especially relevant in view of the fact that the contemporary international scholarship witnesses the forming of various schools of studying the subject and possesses now a large amount of data that has not been yet properly examined by Russian scholars. The article surveys a number of key works in the subject area in order to facilitate the understanding of research in various schools, as well as of the influence of certain theoretical traditions, and examines different theoretical approaches to the study of the subject.


Ursegova, M.V. 2011. A History of Ethnological and Social Anthropological Study of Food and Nutrition: A Brief Survey. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1: 67-74

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