Home    Number 6, 2016

Vozvrashchenie narodnoi kul’tury narodu: pravil’naia Maslenitsa i metodicheskoe rukovodstvo sel’skoi samodeiatel’nost’iu

[Returning the Public Culture to the Public: The Correct Shrovetide and Administration of Rural Cultural Festivities]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Ksenia A. Gavrilova | kgawrilova@eu.spb.ru | European University at Saint Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Russia)


cultural organization, pedagogical and organizational training, folk celebration, public festivities, Shrovetide, Pancake week, construction of tradition, discourse analysis


The article discusses the organizational and pedagogical training held at a major regional cultural center (Dom narodnogo tvorchestva) in the city of Kirov, and the impact that it has on the practices of rural cultural organizations in the Kirov region. The author draws parallels between today’s training seminars on the organization of Shrovetide festivities and the Soviet organizational practices in regard to the public culture, and questions the notion of the “correct [public/folk/traditional] culture” as it is represented and used in contemporary cultural policies and social discourses.


Gavrilova, K.A. 2016. Vozvrashchenie narodnoi kul’tury narodu: pravil’naia Maslenitsa i metodicheskoe rukovodstvo sel’skoi samodeiatel’nost’iu [Returning the Public Culture to the Public: The Correct Shrovetide and Administration of Rural Cultural Festivities]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 27-43

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