Home    Number 5, 2016

Mediatizatsiia mobil’nykh kommunikatsii (aktorno-setevoi podkhod)

[The Mediatization of Mobile Communications (An Actor-Network Approach)]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Marina Zagidullina | mzagidullina@gmail.com | Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia)


mobile phone, theory of functions, theory of structures, thing, materiality, hybrid, mobility


The article attempts to trace the range of transformations in cultural practices that mobile technologies (particularly mobile phones) bring into everyday life. The author pinpoints three major trends marking such transformations: 1) an ongoing dematerialization of mobile telephony moving towards the dominance of function over structure; 2) an acceptation of changes in everyday culture into traditions and rituals and the beginning of rematerialization of liquidity; 3) the inhibition of development and its possible social consequences (the autopoiesis of the system as a way of slowing down social changes that are unfolding too swiftly).

Funding Information

This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Science Foundation, grant no 16–18–02032


Zagidullina, M. V. 2016. Mediatizatsiia mobil’nykh kommunikatsii (aktorno-setevoi podkhod) [The Mediatization of Mobile Communications (An Actor-Network Approach)]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 80-89

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