Home    Number 2, 2015

Traditsiia v sovremennykh formakh samoorganizatsii rossiiskikh kazakhov

[Tradition in Contemporary Forms of Self-Organization among the Kazakh of Russia]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Elena Larina | ei-larina@mail.ru | Lomonosov Moscow State University

Ol'ga Borisovna Naumova | olganaumova@mail.ru | Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography RAS


territorial community councils, tos, tradition of self-organization, russian kazakh, council of elders, council of veterans, council of wives, aqsaqal, aksakal, atkamnar, bei, beq


The article discusses the councils of elders (aksakals) among the Kazakh of Russia, which have been increasingly reestablished since the mid-1990s. These councils have absorbed both the experience of public self-organization and the practices of Soviet public organizations. The authors examine the composition of present-day councils of aksakals, the scope and mechanisms of their activities, and their relationships with the authorities. The publication draws on data gathered in the course of field research among the Kazakh of Russia.

Funding Information

This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Foundation for Humanities, grant no.11-01-00045а


Larina, E.I., Naumova, O.B. 2015. Traditsiia v sovremennykh formakh samoorganizatsii rossiiskikh kazakhov [Tradition in Contemporary Forms of Self-Organization among the Kazakh of Russia]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 137-154

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