Slavianskie ostrovnye arealy v Avstrii i Rumynii
[Insular Slavic Areas in Austria and Romania]
Type of publication: Research Article
About author(s)
Anna Plotnikova | | Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
burgenland’s croats, cultural enclaves, questionnaires, language and culture, carpathian-balkan area, south slavia, polesie, russian traditions, folk mythology, calendar and family rites, old-believers, fieldwork
Slavic folk traditions, in a situation of linguistic, ethnic-religious and ethnic-cultural isolation, have typologically similar features, which lets us consider the villages of Burgenland’s Croats in Austria and old-believers of Dobrudja in Romania on a single plane. The article draws on the fieldwork data gathered in line with ethnic-linguistic programs focused on collecting dialect terminological vocabularies concerning folk rituals and folklore. Despite the intensive process of adaptation of folk traditions of the Croats in Austria and Russians in Romania to the surrounding non-Slavic cultural conditions, in both cases there is still maintained a stable relationship with the “own” folk culture, which is primarily based on the continuation of the linguistic tradition.
Funding Information
This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Foundation for Humanities, grant no. 12-04-00009
Plotnikova, A.A. Slavianskie ostrovnye arealy v Avstrii i Rumynii [Insular Slavic Areas in Austria and Romania]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 56-69
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