Lokal’nye traditsii i meniaiushchiesia identichnosti
[Local Traditions and Changing Identities]
Type of publication: Research Article
About author(s)
Igor' Morozov | mianov@rambler.ru | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (32a Leninsky prospekt, Moscow, 119991, Russia)
ocal culture, local tradition, ethnic dialect, dictionary of ethnic dialects, ethnolinguistic dictionary, transformation of cultural traditions, identity formation
The article examines the concepts of “tradition”, “culture”, “local tradition”, “ethnic dialect”, and enquires into the hierarchy and semantic load of these concepts and their relation to the symbolic field of “locality”, as well as into the role that “localities” of different kinds play in the shaping of identities. The author conducts a comparative analysis of ethnolinguistic dictionaries and dictionaries of ethnic dialects, and discusses the assets that they can provide for the study of local traditions of various types.
Funding Information
This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Foundation for Humanities, grant no. 15-01-00379
Morozov, I.A. 2015. Lokal’nye traditsii i meniaiushchiesia identichnosti [Local Traditions and Changing Identities]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 5-14
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