Sacred Sites: The Construction of Sacred Space: Introduction to Discussion
Type of publication: Introduction
About author(s)
V.A. Shnirelman |
new religions, esotericism, pilgrimage, sacred sites, archaeology
Nowadays not only new religions are invented, but holy places are shaped where there was no reli-gious activity at all previously. Thus the time is ripe to analyze why, how, where exactly and by whom they are constructed. These issues are discussed with a special emphasis on archaeological sites which become important centers of religious activity.
Funding Information
This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Foundation for Humanities, grant 12-01-00312а
Shnirelman, V.A. 2014. Sacred Sites: The Construction of Sacred Space: Introduction to Discussion. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 3-9
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