On the Issue of Forms of Exploitation and Social Dependence among the Ancient Turks of the 6th–11th Cen turies: A Historiographical Aspect
Type of publication: Research Article
About author(s)
V.V. Tishin | tihij-511@mail.ru
ancient Turks, nomads, exploitation, social dependence, historiography
The article traces the development of scholarly views of exploitation among the nomads, taking the ancient Turks of the 6th-11th centuries as a case. The improbability of existence of developed forms of exploitation in nomadic societies is generally considered proven in today’s ethnographic literature. Exploitation among the nomads rested on the foundation of a mechanism rooted in the strict subordination of social organization segments. Still, the nature of that mechanism may be open to different interpretations.
Tishin, V.V. 2014. On the Issue of Forms of Exploitation and Social Dependence among the Ancient Turks of the 6th–11th Cen turies: A Historiographical Aspect. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 93-107
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