Home    Number 2, 2014

Social and Age Groups in the Traditional Russian Peasant Society of the Reform Era: The Gender Aspect

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Z.Z. Mukhina | mukhiny@mail.ru


woman, women’s history, ethnography of family, gender ethnography, Russian woman peasant, age groups


The article touches on the topic that has received relatively little attention in scholarly literature – that of the age and social family stratification influencing the social status of the Russian woman peasant. The author focuses on the impact of Reform era realities on this aspect of family relations. Attention is paid to the diversity of forms of social family groups and variability of women’s statuses which cannot be reduced to “dependence” or “freedom” alone.


Mukhina, Z.Z. 2014. Social and Age Groups in the Traditional Russian Peasant Society of the Reform Era: The Gender Aspect. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 99-115

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