Home    Number 2, 2014

Ethnographer Albert Lipsky in Altai: Pages of Biography

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

E.P. Batyanova | elena-batyanova@yandex.ru


Altai, Albert Lipsky, Russian Geographical Society, ethnography, field trips, Altaians, missionaries, legends, publications


The articles draws on archival sources to present little-known pages from the biography of Soviet ethnographer and archaeologist Albert Lipsky (Al’bert Lipskii). The author discusses Lipsky’s student field trips to Altai in 1914-16, his interactions with local authorities, missionaries, and natives. The article presents the versions of historical legends of Altaians that were recorded during the 1915 trip and examines the first works published by Lipsky.


Batyanova, E.P. 2014. Ethnographer Albert Lipsky in Altai: Pages of Biography. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 76-82

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