Home    Number 3, 2013

Conflicts of Interest among Researchers and Organizations

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Sana Loue | sxl54@case.edu


conflict of interest, research ethics, conflict resolution, conflict management, breach of ethics


The article discusses a variety of conflicts of interest that may arise in research, including that on hu-man subjects. The author argues that the conflict of interest is a regular issue that occurs in many different situations and at many research stages. In a situation where such a conflict remains unresolved or unsettled, it can lead to a breach of ethics and even undermine the validity of research. The main responsibility of all parties is to admit the presence of the conflict and learn the ways of managing it.


Loue, S. 2013. Conflicts of Interest among Researchers and Organizations. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3: 69-81

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