Home    Number 4, 2012

“The Sun on the Branches”: Three Books on the Folk Calendar of Russians of the Kama Region: Review of Russkii narodnyi kalendar’ v Prikam’ie: Prazdniki i obriady kontsa XIX- serediny XX v. (Russian Folk Calendar in the Kama Region: Celebrations and Rites of the End of the 19th – Mid-20th Centuries). Part I. Perm, 2006; Part II, Perm, 2008; Part III, Perm, 2009

Type of publication: Book Review

About author(s)

Liudmila A. Tultseva | atultseva@mail.ru | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS


Tultseva, L.A. 2012. “The Sun on the Branches”: Three Books on the Folk Calendar of Russians of the Kama Region: Review of Russkii narodnyi kalendar’ v Prikam’ie: Prazdniki i obriady kontsa XIX- serediny XX v. (Russian Folk Calendar in the Kama Region: Celebrations and Rites of the End of the 19th – Mid-20th Centuries). Part I. Perm, 2006; Part II, Perm, 2008; Part III, Perm, 2009. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 170-179

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