Home    Number 2, 2012

Review of Russkie staroobriadtsy na Dunae: formirovaniie etnokonfessional’noi obshchnosti v kontse XVIII – pervoi polovine XIX vv. (Russian Old-Believers on the Danube: The Forming of the Ethnic-Religious Community in the End of the 18t h-First Half of the 19th Centuries). Moscow, 2010

Type of publication: Book Review

About author(s)

Elena S. Danilko | Danja9@yandex.ru | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS


Danilko, E.S. 2012. Review of Russkie staroobriadtsy na Dunae: formirovaniie etnokonfessional’noi obshchnosti v kontse XVIII – pervoi polovine XIX vv. (Russian Old-Believers on the Danube: The Forming of the Ethnic-Religious Community in the End of the 18t h-First Half of the 19th Centuries). Moscow, 2010. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 189-191

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