Home    Number 2, 2012

The Present-Day Northern Mansi: A View from Within and from Without. A.A. Sirina. Some Remarks on Identity Formation among the Even and Evenki

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Elena G. Fedorova | elenfed@kunstkamera.ru | Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera)


northern mansi, territorial groups, identity, ethnic origins


The article touches on the issue of formation and development of the Northern Mansi and analyzes ethnic processes that were taking place on the territory of their settlement and residence during the 20th century. The author pinpoints specific features of the culture of Northern Mansis groups and factors that lay in the foundation upon which they shaped their ethnicity in the last quarter of the 20th century.


Fedorova, E.G. 2012. The Present-Day Northern Mansi: A View from Within and from Without. A.A. Sirina. Some Remarks on Identity Formation among the Even and Evenki. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 57-62

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