Home    Number 2, 2012

Peoples of North-Western Siberia: Definitions and Political Science Discourse

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Elena P. Martynova | ep_martynova@mail.ru | Tula State Lev Tolstoy
Pedagogical University


indigenous peoples of the north, ethnographic research, state policy, status, titles of the peoples, definitions


The article analyzes alterations in defi nitions concerning indigenous peoples of North-Western Siberia, as well as the ways in which the altering defi nitions have been related to policies towards Northern peoples and to ethnographic research on Ob-Ugrians and the Northern Samoyed.


Martynova, E.P. 2012. Peoples of North-Western Siberia: Defi nitions and Political Science Discourse. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 13-18

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