Home    Number 2, 2011

Chinese Migrants in Russia: Problems of Adaptation and Tolerance

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Aleksandr G. Larin | larin@ifes-ras.ru | Institute of Far Eastern Studiesof the Russian Academy of Sciences (IFES RAS)


chinese migrants, adaptation, tolerance, russian mass consciousness


The growth of Chinese communities makes the study of their interaction with their Russian surroundings important and relevant. Despite the presence of a number of unfavorable factors, Chinese migrants by and large do adapt rather well to the Russian reality. The tolerance standard of the host culture, however, is currently limited by a high level of immigrant phobia, as well as by alarmist sentiments stemming from the economic and demographic situation of the Russian Far East. Still, Russian citizens positively assess the prospects of temporary employment of Chinese migrants, which is likely to be expanding in the near future.


Larin, A.G. 2011. Chinese Migrants in Russia: Problems of Adaptation and Tolerance. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 116-129

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