Home    Number 2, 2022

The Shirokogorov Archives and the Mysteries of Anthropological Concepts [Arkhiv Shirokogorovykh i tainy antropologicheskih kontseptsii]: A Review of Puteshestviia cherez sibirskuiu step’ i taigy k antropologicheskim kontseptsiiam. Etnoistoriia Sergeia i Elizavety Shirokogorovykh: V 2 t. T. 1 [Journeys through the Siberian Steppes and Taiga to Anthropological Concepts: The Ethno-history of Sergei and Elizabeth Shirokogoroff. Vol. 1], edited by D. Arzyutov, D. Anderson, and S. Podrezova

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869541522020142


Type of publication: Book Review

Submitted: 22.07.2021

Accepted: 24.07.2021

About author(s)

Anna Sirina | http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9268-9807 | annas@iea.ras.ru | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (32a Leninsky prospekt,
Moscow, 119991, Russia)

Funding Information

This research was supported by the following institutions and grants: Russian Science Foundation, https://doi.org/10.13039/501100006769 [grant no. 18-00-309]


Sirina, A.A. 2022. Arkhiv Shirokogorovykh i tainy antropologicheskikh kontseptsii [The Shirokogorov Archives and the Mysteries of Anthropological Concepts]: A Review of Puteshestviia cherez sibirskuiu step’ i taigu k antropologicheskim kontseptsiiam. Etnoistoriia Sergeia i Elizavety Shirokogorovykh: V 2 t. T. 1 [Journeys through the Siberian Steppes and Taiga to Anthropological Concepts: The Ethno-history of Sergei and Elizabeth Shirokogoroff. Vol. 1], edited by D. Arzyutov, D. Anderson, and S. Podrezova. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2: 228–233. https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869541522020142 EDN: HTACBH

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