Home    Number 1, 2022

How Ethical Issues are Dealt with in the Russian Public Discourse on Autonomous Vehicles

[Kak obrashchaiutsia s eticheskimi voprosami v rossiiskom publichnom diskurse o bespilotnykh avtomobiliakh]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869541522010055

Type of publication: Research Article

Submitted: 11.11.2021

Accepted:  20.01.2022

About author(s)

Liliia Zemnukhova | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2938-3629 | l.zemnukhova@gmail.com | European University at St. Petersburg (6/1a Gagarinskaya Str., St. Petersburg, 191187, Russia) | Sociological Institute of the RAS – FCTAS RAS (24/35, korpus 5, Krzhizhanovskogo Str., Moscow, 117218, Russia)


autonomous vehicles, ethics of artificial intelligence, science and technology studies, social construction of technology, algoethics


An autonomous vehicle is not limited to sets of traffic rules, hardware, and software. It is a heterogeneous technology, and many relevant groups are involved in its creation: development companies, regulators, public organizations, media, and the public. All these actors make sense of both the technology itself and the key problems associated with its development. In this article, I focus on ethical issues related to autonomous vehicles. Based on the materials of the Russian media and public interviews, I study the contexts where this topic arises, how different participants react to it and what they rely on. As a result, I highlight philosophical, normative, and sociotechnical perspectives on ethical issues in Russian public discourse.

Funding Information

This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Science Foundation, https://doi.org/10.13039/501100006769 [grant no. 20-78-10106]


Zemnukhova, L.V. 2022. Kak obrashchaiutsia s eticheskimi voprosami v rossiiskom publichnom diskurse o bespilotnykh avtomobiliakh [How Ethical Issues are Dealt with in the Russian Public Discourse on Autonomous Vehicles]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 1: 68–83. https://doi.org/10.31857/S0869541522010055

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