The Peoples of Pamir, Their Languages and the Census: The Ethnic Discourse
[Pamirskie narody, ikh yazyki i perepis’: etnicheskii diskurs]
Type of publication: Research Article
Submitted: 03.07.2017
Accepted: 18.01.2018
About author(s)
Tokhir Kalandarov | | | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (32-a Leninsky prospekt, Moscow, 119991, Russia)
Pamiri peoples, Pamir, Tajikistan, census, identity, native language
Pamiri peoples occupy the high mountainous valleys of Pamir in the Tajikistan Republic. They preserved ancient East-Iranian languages and their unique indigenous culture. Currently, the total population of Pamiri peoples in the Mountainous Badakhshan Autonomous District constitutes a number over 150 000. The article analyzes the status of Pamiri peoples as reflected in Soviet and post-Soviet censuses, as well as their views on the future.
Kalandarov, T.S. 2018. Pamirskie narody, ikh yazyki i perepis’: etnicheskii diskurs [The Peoples of Pamir, Their Languages and the Census: The Ethnic Discourse]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 162-178.
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