Ethnos on the Map: Geographical Imagination of the School of Fedor Volkov
[Etnos na karte: geograficheskoe voobrazhenie shkoly F.K. Volkova]
Type of publication: Research Article
Submitted: 30.03.2017
Accepted: 30.05.2017
About author(s)
Sergey S. Alymov | | | Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (32a Leninsky prospekt, Moscow, 119991, Russia)
Svetlana V. Podrezova | | | The Rimsky-Korsakov St.Petersburg State Conservatory (3 Teatralnaya square, St.Petersburg, 190000, Russia)
ethnos, ethnic cartography, ethnographic methods, IRGO, interdisciplinarity, history of ethnography
The article considers the role of ethnographic and anthropological cartography in the making of the “ethnos” theory. Identification of ethnographic / anthropological types on the basis of geographical correlation of anthropological, ethnographical, and linguistic data lay at the root of the methodology of Fedor Volkov and his students. The Commission for the Making of Ethnographic Map of Russia of the RGO became a “laboratory” where this methodology was developed. The article also analyses the use of this methodology by D. Zelenin, D. Zolotarev and C. Rudenko as well as the campaign against these scholars in the 1930s.
Funding Information
This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Economic and Social Research Council, [ESRC ES/K006428/1]
Russian Foundation for Humanities, [grant no. 15-01-00450а]
Alymov, S.S., and S.V. Podrezova. 2017. Etnos na karte: geograficheskoe voobrazhenie shkoly F.K. Volkova [Ethnos on the Map: Geographical Imagination of the School of Fedor Volkov]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5: 85-103
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