20 July 2017

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 3-2017 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: The Return of Migrants Home: Perspectives for an Anthropological Study [Vozvrashcheniie migrantov domoi: perspektivy antropologicheskogo izucheniia] (guest editor S.N. Abashin).

25 May 2017

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 2-2017 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Multiculturalism in the Baltic States: Possibilities and Limitations [Mul’tikul’turalizm v stranakh Baltii: vozmozhnosti i ogranicheniia] (guest editor V.V. Volkov).

30 March 2017

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 1-2017 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: “Traders and Non-Russian Aliens” a Hundred Years Later [“Kuptsy i inorodtsy” sto let spustia] (guest editor N.V. Ssorin-Chaikov).

15 January 2017

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 6-2016 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Novye ramki traditsii i traditsionnosti v Rossii [New Frameworks of Tradition and Traditionality in Russia] (guest editor E. A. Melnikova).