05 March 2019

We are happy to announce the award of the 2018 special prize of the editorial board given to Magdalena Kozhevnikova.

26 February 2019

Dear Colleagues, we would like to inform you that the issue 6-2018 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Zhivoe i kosnoe: gibridnye real’nosti [The Living and the Dead: Hybrid Realities] (guest editor S.V.Sokolovskiy).

29 January 2019

Dear Colleagues, we would like to inform you that the issue 5-2018 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Anthropology Social and Philosophical [Antropologia sotsial’naia i filosofskaia] (guest editor E.G.Trubina).

22 November 2018

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 4-2018 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Chelovek i mir fauny v antropologicheskom kontekste [Human and the World of Fauna in Anthropological Context] (guest editor D.V. Vorobiev).

31 May 2018

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 2-2018 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Antropologiia futbola: k chempionatu mira 2018 g. v Rossii [Anthropology of Football: Toward the World Cup in Russia] (guest editor A.V.Buganov). There will be a delay, due to technical reasons, before the contents of the issue appear on the website. However, they have been already indexed by, and available at, eLibrary.ru. In the meantime, please use their platform.

17 April 2018

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 1-2018 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Antropologiia invalidnosti v Rossii [Anthropology of Disability in Russia] (guest editor E.E.Nosenko-Stein). There will be a delay, due to technical reasons, before the contents of the issue appear on the website. However, they have been already indexed by, and available at, eLibrary.ru. In the meantime, please use their platform.

25 January 2018

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 6-2017 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Antropologiia prostranstv i mobil’nostei [Anthropology of Urban Spaces and Mobilities] (guest editor A.G. Kuznetsov).

30 November 2017

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 5-2017 of the journal is now out. The special themes of the issue are: Toward S.M. Shirokogoroff’s 130th Anniversary [K 130-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia S.M.Shirokogorova] (guest editors A.A.Sirina and V.N.Davydov); and The Invention of Ethnos: A Little-Known History of a Well-Known Theory [Izobretenie etnosa: … Read more

17 November 2017

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 4-2017 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Folklore and Mythology of the Old and New World in the Comparative Historical Perspective [Fol’klor i mifologiia Starogo i Novogo Sveta v sravnitel’no-istoricheskoi perspektive].

17 October 2017

Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to inform you that the issue 4-2017 of the journal is now out. The special theme of the issue is: Folklore and Mythology of the Old and New World in the Comparative Historical Perspective [Fol’klor i mifologiia Starogo i Novogo Sveta v sravnitel’no-istoricheskoi perspektive].