Home    Number 6, 2016

Istorizatsiia fol’klora i vizual’noe prostranstvo “narodnosti”

[The Historicization of Folklore and the Visual Space of “Narodnost”]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Ekaterina A. Melnikova | melek@eu.spb.ru | Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) (St. Petersburg, Russia)


nationality, folklore, folklorism, visual arts, historical memory


Traditional folklore is not a historical source. But we use it as the source of knowledge about the past when we read the fairy tales to our children and watch the cartoons based on folklore texts. The illustration, cinema and animation create the visual representations that shape our image of the “ancient” past. It is not abstract. Instead, this past is dressed in the costumes of specific times and is played out against the scenery of certain historical epochs. The paper is focused on the history of the visual images of folklore and their uses in the representation of the national past.


Melnikova, E. A. 2016. Istorizatsiia fol’klora i vizual’noe prostranstvo “narodnosti” [The Historicization of Folklore and the Visual Space of “Narodnost”]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6: 58-71

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