Home    Number 4, 2016

Review of Ot klassikov k marksizmu: soveshchanie etnografov Moskvy i Leningrada (5-11 aprelia 1929 g.) [From Classics to Marxism: The Meeting of Ethnographers from Moscow and Leningrad (5-11 April 1929)], ed. by D.V. Arzyutov, S.S. Alymov, D.G. Anderson. St. Petersburg: MAE RAN, 2014

Type of publication: Book Review

About author(s)

Sergey Abashin | s-abashin@mail.ru | European University at St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Abashin, S.N. 2016. Review of Ot klassikov k marksizmu: soveshchanie etnografov Moskvy i Leningrada (5-11 aprelia 1929 g.) [From Classics to Marxism: The Meeting of Ethnographers from Moscow and Leningrad (5-11 April 1929)], ed. by D.V. Arzyutov, S.S. Alymov, D.G. Anderson. St. Petersburg: MAE RAN, 2014. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 183-185

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