Home    Number 4, 2016

“Oni est’, no ikh net”: “kitaiskie” teplitsy v prostranstve prigoroda

[“They Are but They Aren’t There”: “Chinese” Greenhouses in the Suburban Space]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Konstantin Grigorichev | grigoritchev@yandex.ru | Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk, Russia)


Chinese greenhouse, suburban area, suburbia, ethnicization, actor-network theory


The article discusses the phenomenon of “Chinese” greenhouses in suburban areas of large Siberian cities from the standpoint of the actor-network theory. The author takes the case of Irkutsk’s suburbia to examine the scale of the phenomenon and its presence in the local social discourse. He considers the “Chinese” greenhouses both as a complex actant through which suburban localities are merged into translocal networks, and as a mechanism of suburban modernization.

Funding Information

The research was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project No. 16-06-00072\16


Grigorichev, K.V. 2016. “Oni est’, no ikh net”: “kitaiskie” teplitsy v prostranstve prigoroda [“They Are but They Aren’t There”: “Chinese” Greenhouses in the Suburban Space]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 137-153

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