Home    Number 4, 2016

Geokul’turnyi brending arkticheskikh territorii (na primere modelirovaniia bazovogo geograficheskogo obraza tundry)

[A Geo-Cultural Branding of Arctic Territories (Modelling the Basic Geographic Image of Tundra)]

Type of publication: Research Article

About author(s)

Dmitry Zamyatin | metageogr@mail.ru | National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)

Samona Kurilova | samonakur@mail.ru | Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch (Yakutsk, Russia)

Varvara Diakonova | dvaryae2012@mail.ru | Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts (Yakutsk, Russia)


Arctic, tundra, Subarctic, landscape, mythology, archetype, symbolic place, model, geo-image, geo-cultural branding


The article is devoted to modelling the basic geographical image of the tundra in the light of the geo-space resources of Yamal and Chukotka. The key archetypes, primary signs and symbols, and symbolic spots related to the basic geo-image of the tundra are identified. The image geographical model for the basic geo-image of the tundra is constructed.

Funding Information

This research was supported by the following institutions and grants:
Russian Science Foundation, grant no 14-38-00031


Zamyatin, D.N., Kurilova, S.N., Diakonova, V.E. 2016. Geokul’turnyi brending arkticheskikh territorii (na primere modelirovaniia bazovogo geograficheskogo obraza tundry) [A Geo-Cultural Branding of Arctic Territories (Modelling the Basic Geographic Image of Tundra)]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4: 60-74

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